Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
Katy Perry's win in the battle against Taylor Swift in Forbess top-paid females in music could entice fans of low grade pop mutton. There are some potential candidates lower in Forbes' top 10. Helene Fischer is ranked as No. 8 in Forbes' top 10, which is just a few spots behind Rihanna and ahead of Celine Dion as well Britney Spears. Who? A Russian-German star that has a very tight-lipped personality and tries to keep her image as a "normal female". She has revealed in numerous interviews that she likes butter and her German lover, who is a television personality, had her image tattooed to his arm. Fischer 34's biographically bland biography describes her as a star of Germanys Schlager music scene. This sound has two distinct modes. It's a sort of bierhalle oompah that takes on booze-babes, the Bundesrepublik and many other issues. Fischer portrays the reliable woman who's heart skips, and her breathing stops, when she hears about the way her husband uses the female weaknesses of his wife to trigger the protective instincts. Schlager turned to more traditional songs in order to combat the western music that was sweeping through Germany. It is because of its popularity with the Baby Boomers and outside. Fischer hosts a Schlager Christmas Special each year. The show is an all-star show that is akin to the Channel 4's club X. With its conventional sensibilities, Schlager is the music of country's spiritual twin and Fischer has re-launched it with an aggressive synth-pop update as if she were the German Taylor Swift. However, where Swifts pop evolution was cool, it's hard to overstate how little the critics love Fischers frankly horrible music.
Claudia Wells was an American actor who was born Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, but born to San Francisco CA. Wells became famous in 1985, as Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's girl friend, starring in the movie Back to the Future. Additionally, in 1985 Wells co starred on Stop the Madness an anti drug video that was financed by the Reagan administration and featuring a variety of well-known musicians actors as well as athletes. In the year following, she appeared on the show Babies Having Babies, and starred in Fast Times - a short live-action television show that was based on the smash 1982 film Fast Times At Ridgemont High. Claudia's professional career was on the rapid path to success in the entertainment industry however, when her mother was diagnosed with cancer, her career paused. acting. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia is credited with over 50 shows of stage, television and film. But she still believes her best on-screen career lies ahead, as she continues to seek out unconventional and gritty characters. Claudia Wells runs her own boutique of fine clothes specifically for men called Armani Wells. Visit her website to learn more.

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